
Sustainability at the Keizershof Hotel

Since our founding, we have attached great importance to our four key values: service, discipline, honesty, and hospitality. Moreover, we believe it is important to make the necessary efforts in terms of the environment, safety and corporate social responsibility.

These efforts include:

  • sustainable investments to reduce our energy consumption
    • energy saving systems
    • 90% of our lighting fixtures are LED powered
    • efficient utilization of heating and cooling
    • reduction of waste water thanks to dosing equipment
    • sheet & towel change only on customer request
  • steps towards people-oriented entrepreneurship
  • guarantee of safety
Keizershof Hotel sustainability

© pictures: Voka

Sustainable Entrepreneurship Charter (Charter Duurzaam Ondernemen)

On 19 June 2019, Voka East Flanders handed out the Sustainable Entrepreneurship Charter to various East Flemish companies, including the Keizershof Hotel, which are committed to the environment, safety and corporate social responsibility. The Charter also incorporates the sustainability objectives of the United Nations. With the certificate, Voka recognizes our efforts that go beyond the legally required efforts on environmental issues. For a year, we worked together with Team Sustainable Entrepreneurship from Voka and we made the necessary small and larger adjustments.


By subscribing to the Charter, we have committed ourselves, among other things, to proactively integrating sustainable entrepreneurship in our corporate policy and to work continuously on compliance with social, welfare and environmental legislation.